The Daiquiri Box - About Us

Meet Ivory and Ryan Gaines, the dynamic duo behind The Daiquiri Box, a dream born during the challenging times of the 2020 pandemic. Inspired by their love for frozen daiquiris during family visits to Louisiana, Ivory and Ryan embarked on a journey to turn their dream into reality.

In the heart of DFW, as they cruised around, Ivory spontaneously exclaimed, "The Daiquiri Box!" Without missing a beat, Ryan wholeheartedly agreed, and thus, the concept took root. Through a collaborative effort with their talented designer, Ashraf Imtiaz, the vision evolved into the perfect embodiment of their dream - a unique building that would house The Daiquiri Box.

The path to realizing their dream wasn't without hurdles. After persistent searches and negotiations, they secured a promising land agreement in Denton, Texas. However, the challenges intensified during the SBA process, with unexpected spikes in interest rates and building fees. Undeterred, the Gaines refused to let go of their dream, even if it meant postponing the physical daiquiri shop momentarily.

With Ivory's expertise in corporate events and weddings, they pivoted to mobile bartending, bringing the spirit of The Daiquiri Box to the community. Their services go beyond just frozen daiquiris, encompassing a delightful array of mixed cocktails and mocktails. The business gained momentum through strategic sponsorships, such as a Tasting Event featuring talented artists in a speakeasy art gallery, and the Ballerina’s Ball in support of the non-profit, Brown Girls Do Ballet, where they served specialty mocktails.

As the calendar turns towards 2024, Ivory and Ryan set ambitious goals. They aim to fill 80% of their weekends with events, channeling the same determination that drove them during their initial venture into the world of mobile bartending. In the spirit of perseverance, they plan to host crowdfunding campaigns, ensuring that every setback becomes a stepping stone towards achieving their American dream.

Join Ivory and Ryan on their inspiring journey as they continue to chase their dreams, one daiquiri at a time. The Daiquiri Box is not just a business; it's a testament to resilience, passion, and the pursuit of the American dream.


Our mission is to provide the best-tasting frozen daiquiris, cocktails and mocktails while exciting each guest with a friendly and professional experience.


We believe in doing right by people and lead with kindness from our hearts. This philosophy starts with our staff, then extends to our partners and customers.